Residential Complex
Is located in an area of about one hectare and is composed of:
- n° 46 apartments in masonry of 108 sq.m. on two levels, with private indoor parking space;
- n° 8 business offices of 50 sq.m.;
- All rooms will have an insulated coated windows with double or triple glazing.
The complex is equipped with:
- photovoltaic accumulator for the production of electricity;
- geothermic plants for air conditioning of rooms;
- solar plants for the production of hot water;
- purification plants for wastewater;
- desalination plant;
- small central power station plant for commercial uses.
The overall complex will have the following hardware electronic appliances for:
- reception;
- video surveillance services;
- fire estinguisher water pomp/hydrants;
- dedicated areas for the collection of wastes and disposal;
Conveying rainwater collection tanks for reuse for watering gardens and the excess will be stored in wells or disposed to a nearby water stream.
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